Today I am going to tell about how to setup CyberGate remote administration tool. Then bind that server to any program file with binders and make it FUD with crypter so that it can bypass Antiviruses.
Now let's start our work, first of all download your CyberGate from link given below it may be alarm by your Antivirus. I do not want to infect your computer that's why I am suggesting you to open it in sandbox or in virtual machine like VMWare or Oracle Virtual machine.

First of all run the CyberGate then wait for 20 seconds and click on agree now it open and look like this.

Now you have to start the "listener" and then go to "control center" and then "Builder" and then "Create Server".

Now just create new profile by clicking on "NEW" button and give it any name and hit OK.

Now select your profile name and click on "Forward" button to setup server.
 In "connection" Tab click on "ADD" button then give your IP address and port number as in the picture below and hit OK.
You have to set the Static IP address so that it is directly seen by Internet or you can set you free DNS server using NO-IP and place that domain name here and any port number of your choice.

Put your Identification and Password in the fields given as it is important for connection.

Then click on Installation Tab and change all settings according to you because it helps in evading AV's
Click on "Random" button in both "Active Setup" and "Mutex" options.Check Melt file option so that file will delete itself after installation.
You can comment if you have any problem here.

After that click on "Message" button and set up according to you. I have set an error message as you see in the picture. Click on "TEST" button to test it.

Next in the Keylogger tab keep it as it is, but you can set "Send logs by FTP" option to send keystrokes to your FTP account.

In Anti-Debug tab click "Check all" option. So that no one can debug our setup.

Now just click on Create server tab. In this you can change the icon of your file, compress it with UPX, Bind it with any program or software to spread then click on Create Server.You

Now you have with your server, you can crypt it with any free crypter, so to evade AV's while scanning.

So bind it with any of your funny pic and send it to your Facebook friend.

NOTE: This is for education purpose only. Don't think like devil, think like angels.