Attention Bloggers! Google Banned Adult Explicit Content In Blogspot

Hello all, Latest news for Google bloggers is that Google is now taking strict action against Porn or Adult explicit content posts in Google Blogger. And the strict action is that from March 23, 2015 no blogger can add adult explicit content on Google Blogger. If you want to add adult content on Google Blogger then you have to make your blog to private, if you don't do that, Google will automatically make your blog to private or Google may remove your blog. Private blogs means only you (the owner or creator of blog) and the user you shared your blog with can see your blog. If your blog does not have sexual content on it then you need not to worry.

What About Existing Users With Adult Content On Their Blog

This is all for new users, that they can't add adult content on their Google blog, but what about the existing users. Yes, Existing users on Google Blogger also have to pay for it and the penalty is same that their blogspot will automatically become public to private. But not worry about your content on it, all your content will remain untouched. You can take down your entire blog as .xml file or you can download all images and content with Google Takeout.

Who Can Add Adult Explicit Content On Google Blogger

Yes, you can still add sexually explicit content in your blog, but your intention to show sexually content on your blog is as described by Google that you can add adult content only for substantial public benefit, for example in artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific contexts.

Update: Now Google roolback to their decision on bann of adult explicit content on Google Blogger

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